Prep Center Tax Free

Additional Services

Remember: With our company you save an average of 8% of US tax (SALES TAX FREE).

Return Price (standard size up to 14 inches):

$2.45/item + $0.50 cents for additional same SKU on the same box.

The fee charged is to receive your products, analyze whether they are in condition to be sold as new, like a new, used or damage, add them to your stock in our system.

You can then request shipping to amazon FBA/FBM, your supplier or your customer again paying the normal prep rates that already exist based on your shipment volume (see pricing tab).

Additional Supplies:

Poly Bagging 2 = Extra $0.35 above 9x12.

Bubble Wrapping = Extra $0.35/per foot/12inch

New Bubble Mailers up to 9.5 x 14.5 = Extra $0.50

Bundles: (FBA)

Option 01 = $1.80 per bundle up to 3 items.

Option 02 = $2.10 per bundle Btw 4 to 6 items.

Option 03 = $2.40 per bundle Btw 7 to 14 items.

**Prices above are for products up to 14" inches, for Over size bundles, contact our team.

Special Kits:

Special kits are non-standard services such as:

-Marketing Inserts: $0.15 (Insert letters, business card and any other print).

-Close the box with the customer tape: $0.40.

-Use customer branded special box: $0.25.

-Use customer branded stickers: $0.25.

-Special custom request: $35/hour.

** All physical materials must be provided by the customer.


Outbound pallet and wrap $35.00 / pallet

Oversize Fees (Up to 150lb):

14.1” up to 22” inches will be charge = $2.00/items.

22.1” up to 26” inches will be charge = $4.00/items.

26.1” up to 50” inches will be charge = $8.00/items.

Over 50.1” inches will be charge = $10.00/items.

Per example:

If you send a product that is 14.1 up to 22 inches you will be charged:

$1.44 (if FBA) + $2.00 = $3.45.

Storage fee (for small amounts):

For 30 days we do not charge a storage fee. After 30 free days, if your product is stored in our warehouse we will automatically charge your debit or credit card $15 per week. After 60 days that your product has been stored in our warehouse, we will discard/donated your products without prior notice. Products sitting in our warehouse, our company and our client are losing money.

Pallet Storage Fee:

(40 x 48 x 72 / 1,500lb), $55/month per pallet after 10 days free.

Per pallet position (40 x 48 x 72 / 1,500lb).

Photos Services:

$1.50 per Photo – up to 10 photos per SKU (not meant for main Amazon listing photo).

48 hours for us to do the service

Scan Invoices:

We do not scan invoices, the invoices that stores send with the products (when they ship) we can send to the customer's home/company and of course they pay the shipping label. If invoices need to be scanned, $10 + postage fee.

48 hours for us to do the service.

New Outbound Box FBA (if need be use):

Small: $1.99 /each.

Medium: $2.99/each.

X-Large: $3.98/each.

Shoe Box: $3.60/each.

We do reuse boxes when they are in shippable condition and within the applicable size requirements.

Our box charge is only applied when our boxes are required to be used, not when we are able to reuse boxes.

New Outbound Box FBM (if need be use):

Small: $0.99/each (6x6x4 up to 9x9x9).

Medium: $1.49/each (10x8x6 up to 14x10x6).

Large: $3.49/each (14x14x4 up to 16x16x16).

X-Large: $4.50/each (18x14x4 up to 30x20x10)

We do reuse boxes when they are in shippable condition and within the applicable size requirements.

Our box charge is only applied when our boxes are required to be used, not when we are able to reuse boxes.


New Books or Used Textbook processing - $2.22 per unit to receive, inspect for damage, cleaning, label removing, re grading, FNSKU, shipping to FBA.